Step 1: Introduction
Thank you for taking the time to complete the sharing exhibitor application form.
The entire form should take 10 - 15 minutes to complete. Please make sure you complete
all required questions, as you will not be able to move to the next page if there
is missing / inaccurate information. All fields are mandatory except where marked
as optional. If your application is incomplete, you will have 10 working days to
go back onto the website to complete your details. Thereafter, your application
will be automatically deleted.
Important Information
- You will need your reference number as e-mailed to you in your Sharing Exhibitor
Registration Invitation to start your application. If your reference number has
not been e-mailed to you, please contact your main stand holder. Reference numbers
are only e-mailed to sharers of confirmed main exhibitors.
- The company name reflected on your sharing application will be used for all future
correspondence and notifications. If your name is not listed or incorrectly listed,
please contact your main stand holder. It is the responsibility of main stand holders
to register all sharing stand holder names before sharing applicants start registering.
- It is the responsibility of main stand holder to register all sharing stand holder names before the sharing applicants start registering.
- Once your application has been fully completed and submitted, you will no longer
be able to access your application from the public registration. To make any subsequent
changes to your application please use your username and password to sign into the
Exhibitor Zone.
- Please be advised that if you have not completed your sharing exhibitor application by Friday, 25 April 2025,
your company will not be included in the Trade Catalogue.
Exhibitors will have their company profile and contact details made available through the Online Diary & Matchmaking system
on the Africa’s Travel Indaba website.
- In order to ensure the calibre and relevance of sharing exhibitors, a strict set of criteria has
to be met before approval for participation is granted.
- The applicant must be debt free to South African Tourism and Synergy Business Events (Pty) Ltd.
- Click here to browse main exhibitors looking for sharing exhibitors to share with.
If you need any help with completing the form, please e-mail us at